
5-27  Prayer

“But when you pray, go in your room and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret (unseen, private), and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Mtt. 5:5-6 

“But” – in contrast to the example of the Pharisees way of praying to be noticed by men.

“go into your room” – a designated place to pray alone. Where?

Ill. When we were first married I was new Xn but prayer was vital. In our one room apartment company would visit and it forced me out of my normal place to pray in the living room and into our parked car when it was raining.

“when you have shut your door” – intimacy, honesty, openness

Ill. Like Hannah praying and pouring out her heart to God.

“in secret” – unseen, private, with God.

Here is the promise: “God who sees in secret – will reward you openly.” Matthew 6:4

Many people struggle with prayer because they don’t know what to say or they don’t see the value in it.

Prayer is an exercise of faith in God who is real but invisible and requires faith in what you can’t see! 

“Without faith it is impossible to please God, for He who comes to God must believe He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  Heb. 11:6

Prayer is seeking Him who is invisible. Prayer is exercising faith. Prayer is dependence upon God. Prayer honors God and acknowledging Him who is invisible.

How do you pray to a God you cannot see? By faith.

Jesus was asked to teach how to pray. Template of Lord’s prayer: Each section is guidance for your personal prayers.

Our Father – Holy is Your name = adoration/praise/honoring God

            Let the Spirit lead you – bring things to your mind.

Thy Kingdom come – align to His priorities

Give us daily bread – dependence for provision

Forgive us – reconciliation reminder “as we forgive”

Lead us not into tempt (harsh trials) – help us recognize your lead

Deliver us from evil – pray on the armor of God on yourself and loved one. I do this for you.

For thine is the kingdom-power- glory – reminder why we are here! 

Some people get discouraged by not seeing answers to prayers and quit.  They only see prayer as a means to an end.

Prayer may be more about changing us than changing out circumstances. Prayer is a mystery but it is also a mighty force here on the earth.

Ill. Frank Peretti book “This Present Darkness” was an eye opener about how when the weakest saint prayed it greatly affected Satan’s work.

You wield great authority when you pray. Jesus said,

“Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Mtt. 18:18

“Bind”- Deo means to restrain or hold back and to prevent. Jesus has delegated authority to us to act on His behalf. We can restrain and frustrate Satan’s plans on planet earth if we pray!

“If two of you agree on earth . . .” = accumulated power in unity.

            Husbands and wives/ friends get together and pray in groups as well as in private prayer.

“For where two or three come together in My name, there I am with them.” Vs 20

-              Pray in agreement with God’s will to accomplish His will on earth.

“there I am with them” – He is present to enforce our prayers.

Ill. One day a man asked an Evangelist why so many of his peers had fallen into serious sin in the ministry. Over the years we have seen many anointed ministers/ministries fall into the ditch. The experienced Evangelist’s answer was revealing.

“they prayed until they go there.”

This is the same story of several anointed people in the bible too.

Uzziah was king of Judah for 52 years and God gave him great success. In one verse the Bible reveals the secret of his success.

“As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.” 2 Chron. 26:5 

For whatever reason towards the end of his life he put his work before his walk with God.

If your life is too busy to pray then you are too busy.

Prayerlessness leads to pride and says I can do this by myself.

Concl: Work on your prayer life. Set your alarm. Make an appointment and keep it with God. Song Eddie James, “Lord make me a house of prayer.”


Jehovah Rohi – The Lord My Shepherd


Jehovah Shammah – The Lord Is There